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Creating Aesthetic Metal Products “MAKO®” | About Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry Co., Ltd.


Company Overview

Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry Co., Ltd. creates metal products that speak to people’s hearts. Since its establishment, our company has consistently pursued metal polishing technology, delivering products that go beyond mere materials and are imbued with life.

Founder Hiroshi Kadotani

Our company was founded by Hiroshi Kadotani with the aim of expanding the demand and applications for stainless steel. Leveraging our rich experience and knowledge from stainless steel manufacturing, we play a crucial role in supporting the entire industry.


Becoming a Company Trusted by Everyone

Our Management Philosophy and Mission

Management Philosophy: “A Company with Value”

At Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry, we aim to be a company that is truly valuable to society, not just one that exists.

This philosophy serves as a guide in our daily operations and in forming our long-term corporate strategy. We are dedicated to being a convenient and reliable company for everyone, through both our products and corporate activities.


Mission: “Contributing to Society by Adding Design and Functionality to Metal Materials”

Breathing new life into metal materials is our raison d’être. This means more than just shaping metal; it involves creating metals with both design and functionality, which can enhance our lives from architecture to art to everyday tools.

Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry maximizes the potential of these materials to provide valuable products to society, contributing to global development.


Corporate Spirit: “Metal Makeup Artist®”

This spirit, cherished by all our employees, underlies how we create products.

As Metal Makeup Artists®, our craftsmanship goes beyond mere creation—it gives new life to metal and tells a story through it. By carefully crafting each product with this spirit, we fulfill the responsibility and pride of the MAKO® brand.

Our products at Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry are not just metal. Each piece has its own unique beauty and functionality, and its value is realized only when it reaches the user. With this sense of responsibility, we continue to create the future of metal today.


Manufacturing Process and Polishing Technology

Our products at Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry start with carefully selected raw materials.

By understanding the unique properties of each metal and applying the optimal polishing technology, we bring out their true value. From initial polishing to processing and final finishing (makeup polishing), we manage the entire manufacturing process in-house to ensure high-quality products.

This thorough quality control is why our products are trusted in the industry.


Core Technology: Composite Polishing Technology

The greatest strength of Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry is our “Composite Polishing Technology.”

This technology combines a wide range of polishing techniques, manufacturing methods, vapor deposition technology, and coating technology to develop products that meet new applications and requirements.

Nurtured in Fukuoka, a region with rich commercial traditions, this technology is our strength and unique technical framework.


Contribution to Society and Future Prospects

In the rapidly changing industrial structure and technological advancements, Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry continuously strives for innovative research and development, consistently launching new products into the market.

These efforts, starting from Fukuoka, contribute to a broad market both domestically and internationally.

At Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry, all our employees work together to ensure that Japanese design metals are utilized worldwide.



As a company that continues to grow with technological evolution, Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry is dedicated to creating a better future.

By continuously providing high-quality products (MAKO®) that meet customer needs, we aim to contribute to society as a whole.



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*MAKO® products are provided by the sales subsidiary of Toyo Stainless Polishing Industry.